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Writer's pictureBørneBiopaten Vicky

Baby & Children Food Intolerances

You can get an allergy tests from your doctor for specific food items. This is a blood test that measures IgG in the blood, which are antibodies to specific foods. But food intolerance is something a little different - it doesn't have to have turned into a specific allergy that shows up in a blood test. It could be an oversensitivity that the body just reacts negatively to. It can 'irritate' the immune system or the gut or the mucous membranes. In my clinic, I test for this individually using kinesiology. I have ampoules with specific foods and then I test one by one ampoule on the client - from baby to child, teenager and adult. With the help of the test, I can immediately see if this body benefits or is burdened by this food item.

When we know which food items the body sees as stress at the moment, we make a program to do without these. Usually 3-4 weeks time. After which the foods can be re-introduced on a step-by-step scale. But during the 3-4 weeks we also do other measures which strengthen the body based on other tests and from outside the medical record. It can be vitamins, minerals and other dietary supplements in therapeutic doses. It can also be herbs and homeopathic remedies that support organs or cleanse. So that after the 3-4 weeks you have a system that can better receive and utilize the food in the best way.

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